박병용 사진


• 학사 : 1993. 3. - 1999. 2. 전북대학교 수의과대학 수의학과

• 석사 : 1999. 8. - 2001. 8. 전북대학교 수의과대학 수의학과

• 박사 : 2002. 3. - 2005. 2. 전북대학교 수의과대학 수의학과 (수의발생학 전공)


• 1999. 2. 수의사면허증 (농림부)

• 1999. 3. - 2004. 8. 전북대학교 치과대학 치의학과 조교

• 2006. 2. - 2010. 1. 미국 펜실베니아대학교 수의학과 박사후 연구원


• Park BY, Hong CS, Weaver JR, Rosocha EM, Saint-Jeannet JP. Xaml1/Runx1 is required for the specification of Rohon-Beard sensory neurons in Xenopus. Dev Biol. 2012;362(1):65-75.

• Park BY, Saint-Jeannet JP. e-x-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n analysis of Runx3 and other Runx family members during Xenopus development. Gene Expr Patterns. 2010 ;10(4-5):159-166.

• Park BY, Saint-Jeannet JP. Long-term consequences of Sox9 depletion on inner ear development. Dev Dyn. 2010;239(4):1102-1112.

• Park BY, Hong CS, Sohail FA, Saint-Jeannet JP. Developmental e-x-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n and regulation of the chemokine CXCL14 in Xenopus. Int J Dev Biol. 2009;53(4):535-540.

• Hong CS, Park BY, Saint-Jeannet JP. Fgf8a induces neural crest indirectly through the activation of Wnt8 in the paraxial mesoderm. Development. 2008;135(23):3903-10.

• Park BY, Saint-Jeannet JP. Hindbrain-derived Wnt and Fgf signals cooperate to specify the otic placode in Xenopus. Dev Biol. 2008;324(1):108-21.

• Hong CS, Park BY, Saint-Jeannet JP. The function of Dmrt genes in vertebrate development: it is not just about sex. Dev Biol. 2007;310(1):1-9.

• Cho YH, Park H, Cho ES, Kim WJ, Kang BS, Park BY, Kim YJ, Lee YI, Chang SI, Park K. A novel way of therapeutic angiogenesis using an adeno-associated virus-mediated angiogenin gene transfer. Exp Mol Med. 2007;39(3):412-8.


• Induction and Segregation of the Vertebrate Cranial Placodes. San Rafael (CA): Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences; 2010.

• 척추동물비교해부학, 2011

• 수의해부학, 2012